Cosmetic Acupuncture using Gentle Laser
Did you know there are important acupuncture points on your face that can show signs of health imbalances and premature aging ?
By stimulating these points using a gentle laser instead of needles, we can not only improve your facial contours and complexion, but also activate meridian channels that start in the face and travel throughout your entire body, to help clear them and restore your calm, energy, and vitality.
Testimonial from a Happy Client
Testimonial from a Happy Client
Notice the dull complexion, the water retention and sagging in the cheek and mouth area
Testimonial from a Happy Client
Testimonial from a Happy Client
Notice the clarity of her complexion, the reduction of dark circles under her eyes, the reduced puffiness of her cheeks and improved contours around her mouth
How is Cosmetic Acupuncture using a Gentle Laser so completely different from other beauty procedures and how can it also have such a profound effect on other aspects of my health such as my mood, hormones, sleep quality?
Cosmetic acupuncture using Gentle Laser is a pain free, non needles facial treatment that targets key acupunture points and meridians primarily on the face (but also a few on the body).
Each treatment takes less than 30 minutes, is pain free, and has balancing health benefits as well as cosmetic ones for the face and neck.
Immediate Benefits to Beauty
You will see immediate results on the firmness of the muscles of the face, the reduction of edema on the puffy eyes, the contour of the face and the clarity of the complexion. Your face will feel alive and firm for days after a treatment, and your complexion will be noticeably bring and clear.
Global Benefits to your Health
You will also experience a clearing and balancing of your body's energy, as your meridians are brought back into balance. You might discover that you sleep very well after a session and that your mood or transient health imbalances are improved.
Safe, Non-Invasive and Less Expensive than Botox or other Laser Treatments
It is a more natural, less painful and less expensive alternative than laser or cosmetic surgery.
During an Initial Session, a complete health and cosmetic history is taken to understand potential underlying health conditions that are contributing to unpleasant signs of aging on your face.
It is the ultimate Holistic Health Cosmetic Treatment.
Cosmetic Acupuncture using Gentle Laser stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin as well as blood and lymphatic circulation, providing firmness and clarifying effect on your complexion, and activates meridian channels to help your face and body release congestion and toxins.
A series of treatment is also recommended to achieve lasting effects.
Receipt under naturopathy and naturotherapy available
Notice the edema (water retention) in the overall eye area and the resulting fold in the inner corner of the upper eyelid.
Notice the Reduced puffiness in the eye lid area as well as under the eye and a softening of the fine lines in the lower out area of the eye. This change was visible after only one treatment!
Insurance receipts under Massage or Naturopathy are available for some services. Please inquire directy with us.
Call us at (438) 865 - 6355