Training for Estheticians & Massage Therapists with a Focus on Holistic Beauty
all course content and structure is the exclusive intellectual property material of Maureen Maher. Any appropriation of this material without expressed written authorization by
the author shall be interpreted as mis-appropriation and shall be subject to legal pursuit within the law.
Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage In-Person Training in Montreal, Canada
This is a Level 3 advanced day intensive course for Practitioners who already have lots of hands-on experience performing facial massage for relaxation and beauty enhancement. If you wish to train with us in-person but do not have this prior experience, you can enroll in Level 1. Basic Facial Massage one day Workshop style class. See below
Upcoming In-Person Class dates in Montreal for Level 3.
May 26, 27, 28, 2025 (deadline to achieve minimum number of participants April 15, 2025)
For enrollment information please visit https://www.ceosteopathymanualtherapy.com/buccal-facial-massage-training
This 3 day advanced, intensive course is for Estheticians and Massage Therapists with an interest in Holistic Beauty enhancement who have prior experience in facial massage for beauty enhancement.
You will learn how to sculpt facial contours and lift weak areas to provide visible results in firming jawlines, lifting cheekbones effect, creating a prettier mouth and more chiseled facial contours.
If you are a healthcare Practitioner with little or no prior experience or training in facial massage with a focus on beauty enhancement, you can still learn Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage by taking our Level 1. Basics of Facial Massage one day intensive class in order to qualify to enroll in our Level 3. Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage course. Level 3 is an advanced course.
Upcoming dates for Level 1: Basic Facial Massage for Relaxation and Beauty Enhancement
April 28, 2025 (registration deadline is March 15, 2025)
For enrollment information please visit
This course was designed for Practitioners who do not have a lot of experience performing full 20- 30 minute hands-on facial massage for Relaxation and Beauty Enhancement. It serves as a pre-requisite for participating in Level 3. Sculping if needed.
Click here for more information

See what you can accomplish by training in Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage with us either Online or our 3 Day Intensive Course
65+ year old woman several years after having buccal fat removal in cheek area. Notice the hanging fat and lymph pockets at the base of the jowls and under jawline.
Same day, after only ONE 75 minute Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage with Maureen Hannah Maher, Instructor. Notice smoother facial contours and lifted, less bumpy jawline.
Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage for facial beauty and contouring is growing in demand thanks to celebrity clients.
Come learn this incredible new form of intra oral massage that focuses on treating facial muscles to sculpt and lift the cheek are while draining lymph. Designed by Maureen "Hannah" Maher, Esthetician, Osteopath, Massage Therapist and Cosmetic Acupuncture Practitioner, you will learn her unique approach to holistic beauty that incorporates her over twenty years of experience and knowledge of facial massage, body mechanics, the lymphatic system, facial acupressure points and massage activation techniques that can dramaticallly change the contours of your clients faces in just one 75 - 90 minute treatment!
This intra-oral and external massage approach provides pain relief, improves to complexion through blood flow increase thanks to these unique intra-oral techniques, lifts the cheek, sculpts the naso-labial area to create a more attractive mouth and smoother cheek area, firms the jaw line and reduces puffiness under the chin, providing a more sculpted jawline, all while being incredibly relaxing to receive. When you train with us, you can attract new clients looking for this expensive and prestige service, dramatically increase revenue, and stand out from your competitors.
Group Classes in Montreal or Toronto
This is an advanced class designed to be Workshop style, with lots of hands on one-on-one time with your Instructor and a maximum of 8 students. Class participants must be experienced Esthetician or Massage Therapists with prior training and experience in either swedish or facial massage and can demonstrate a high degree of professional maturity and ability to follow hygiene procedures that are necessary for intra-oral techniques.
Participants must also recruit a practice model in the afternoon for all three days. If travelling from outside Montreal to attend this class and need help finding practice models, please contact us for help in securing practice models after you have ensured you meet the eligibility criteria and have registered.
What is included in the classes ?
1) A copy of the course manual containing images of every technique taught as well as facial muscle and lymphatic anatomy.
2) An assortment of facial oils for different skin types and explanations of how to chose facial massage oils according to skin type.
3) A synthetic doll face to practice locating facial muscles and lymphatic system and to take home afterwards for further practice
4) Template of forms to use during your new client consultation including a Client Intake & Health History Form
5) Step by Step Consultation Protocol to ensure your success and client retention.
6) Demonstration of a full array of techniques with group practice and practice on volunteer models
5) Pricing and Marketing Strategy for this prestige treatment to ensure you price this service competitively and earn top income
6) Attestation of CEU hours or Certificate of Completion if student demonstrates proficiency in technique, hygiene protocols, and professional judgement.
Some of our recent students are already full booked within less than three months after completing this course. Others had a waitlist of clients requesting this service even before they enrolled. All are now charging top dollar for this in-demand service and are bringing a whole new dimension of holistic health and beauty services to their daily work.
offered by the Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy
can be reached at ceosteopathy@gmail.com
Our Registration Policies
All students are responsible for ensuring that you have arranged to have a live practice models for the afternoon of all three days. If you are travelling from out of town to Montreal and have been unable to recruit models, please contact us for assistance as we do advertise locally and often have sufficient volunteers for all students.
Students must prove basic proficiency of protocols, techniques, comply with all hygiene standards and demonstrate a high degree of professional judgement to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion.
This is a level 3 advanced class for mature practitioners only. Professional and respectful conduct and adherence to all hygiene protocols is required at all times. Our Instructors reserve the right to remove a student whose behavior is unprofessional or is disrespectful to the models, other students, or Instructor with no refund provided.
Students who enroll using our partial payment plan are responsible for ensuring that their second payment is made in full no later than two weeks before the class starts. Because of the small number of students accepted in these classes, we do not refund enrollments to students who default on any of the above terms. Arrangements can be made, however, to attend a future class if urgent medical circumstances prevent you from attending a course that you are registered.
Once a Practitioner studies with us, they assume all professional and legal responsibility for how our course material is implemented in their studio, practice or clinic. It is always the responsibility of the Practitioner to ensure they meet any legal or practical requirements of their association, if pertinent, when implementing any new techniques taught in a continuing education course.
By enrolling in one of our group classes, you are agreeing to our above mentioned policies.
Our Montreal Training Center

Some great moments in class


The Manual

Previous Classes:

Sunday August 13, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Versailles Academy
Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage for Estheticians:
A holistic Approach to Facial Rejuvenation
click here to read about this class
Enrollment is now closed
November 20 - 21, 2023
Montreal, Quebec Canada
Buccal Facial Massage for Massage Therapists:
A Manual Approach to relieving Facial Edema, Sinus Congestion & TMJ Pain (2 day class)

Montreal, Qc January 22 - 23, 2024
Buccal Facial Massage for Massage Therapists & Healthcare Practitioners:
A Manual Approach to relieving Facial Edema & Sinus Congestion (2 day class)

Montreal, Qc February 19 & 20, 2023
Buccal Facial Massage for Massage Therapists & Healthcare Practitioners:
A Manual Approach to relieving Jaw Pain &
TMJ Dysfunction (2 day class)

Montreal, Qc Canada June 17, 18, 19, 2024
Buccal Facial Sculpting Massage for Estheticians:
A Manual Approach to Facial Rejuvenation & Beauty Contouring
open to Massage Therapists, Estheticians and Manual Therapists with Massage Experience